Energy Converter
Energy Conversion:
1 degree kelvin = 8.621738 x 10^-5 eV
= 0.0862 meV
= 0.695 cm-1
1 a.u= 27.211396 eV= 219 474.63 05 cm^-1
1 Ry= 13.6057 eV
1 eV= 8065.54 cm^-1
1 eV= 11,600 degreesKelvin
1 meV= 8.065 cm^-1
1 Kcal/mol= 0.0434 eV= 43.4 meV
Photon momentum k= 2.7 x 10^-4 E (eV)
Atomic units:
in time= a /v0= 2.41 x10^-17 sec
in frequency= 4.13 x10^16 Hz
in electric field= 5.14 x 10^9 V/cm
Oscillator strength and transition rates
A=2*(E^2/c^3) f (4.13 x10^16) 1/sec
where E is in a.u., c=137.03604 and f is the oscillator strength for emission
Laser intensity and field strength
1 a.u. in E= 5 x 10^9 V/cm
1 a.u. in intensity= 3.5 x 10^16 (w/cm^2)
I (watts/cm^2)= 1.33 x 10^-3 E2 (V/cm^2)
Energy difference between D (1s) and H (1s) is 3.7 meV, or 1.36 x 10^-4 a.u.
mass of proton in a.u.is 1836.152701
mass of deuteron in a.u. is 3670.483014
mass of neutron in a.u. is 1838.683662